Nestle Waters

Nestle Bottled Water

Bottling water has been around for centuries, but it was not until the 19th century that this idea became widespread. Because of its use in spas at many resorts, the idea of bottling water became much more popular. With this popularity, it gave individuals an opportunity to go to their local pharmacy and purchase the brand of water that they desired.

Just like with all foods and beverages, many people have different tastes that suit their preferences. With bottling water, not only do people have a specific preference for the taste, but they also have specific preferences for how the water looks. Both the water and the package assist one another. Since the water will take the shape of the bottle, the bottle will do its job of making sure that the water has a quality taste.

There are many external factors that could negatively impact the water; however, the bottle serves as a source of protection from these factors. By having the water in the bottle, then the consumer can feel confident that the water has been protected from all negative elements during its transport. When the water is in the bottle and has been properly sealed, then the water is stable and well-kept. In addition to protecting the water, the bottle also gives important information on its label. The label provides information about the water that many consumers desire to know.

Vittel is responsible for revolutionizing the market for bottled water by introducing PVC containers, but in the early 1990s, PET also became popular. One of the advantages of PET over PVC is that it is stronger and more flexible. Additionally, PET is friendlier on the environment since it can be recycled.

With today’s market shares, Nestle Waters is the leaders. As a matter of fact, it has 11.3% of the market shares. Consumption of bottled water continues to become more popular each year, and many people recognize that this beverage is both healthy and safe. Depending on the part of the world that the consumer resides, the consumption of bottled water can vary greatly. However, many people use the water when they go walking, play sports, or simply work at their office.

Nestle Water Brands

  • perrier
  • ice mountain water
  • pure life
  • poland spring
  • zephyrhills water
  • vittel waters
Nestle Water
Nestle produces three types of bottled watered for consumption: Natural mineral water, prepared water, and spring water, all three of which are classified as such based on their origin, composition, consistency, treatment, and protection status.

These terms are defined based on the standards of Codex Alimentarius, a set of international standards for food and drink classification.

1. Natural Mineral Water

Natural mineral water can be defined as:

  • water comes from underground sources protected from pollution risks
  • consistent composition and flow that ensures microbiological and chemical purity
  • packaged near the source
  • contains certain types of mineral salts in specific amounts
  • can only undergo limited treatment, such as carbonation or heavy metal removal

Natural mineral water can legally claim to have certain medicinal benefits. This type of water makes up the largest portion of sales in Europe, as well as a substantial number in developing countries.

2. Prepared Water

Prepared water can be defined as:

  • water can come from any water supply
  • water can undergo any kind of treatment in order to meat safety standards, including chemical, microbiological, and radiological

Prepared water is the base standard for all bottled water, especially in developing countries. Local laws may required that prepared water bottles be labeled as either “purified water” or “drinking water” depending on the treatments they have undergone and their levels of purity.

3. Spring Water

Spring water can be defined as:

  • water comes from a protected underground or surface source
  • cannot have passed through a community water system
  • must be safe for human consumption at the source and kept in that state up until bottling
  • water source must be protected within a set perimeter to prevent contamination by outside sources
  • water can only undergo certain minor treatment or modification processes allowed by this standard

Spring water is intrinsically defined by its source and makes up the majority of sales for local brands within the United States, as well as many countries outside Europe.

The Life Cycle of Bottled Water

The life cycle of bottled water production comprises three phases: packaging, manufacturing and distribution. The packaging stage starts with the removal of raw ingredients that are required for the manufacture of packaging supplies. These include secondary items, such as boxes, pallets, crates and film pack as well as primary items. Main supplies include caps, bottles and labels. The second stage consists of the transformation of said raw materials into the aforementioned forms of packaging. Additionally, the collection of empty bottles and sorting them for recycling fall under this phase.

The manufacturing stage covers all of the factory production tasks. These include the conversion of packing resources into bottles as well as bottling of the actual product. Bottling tasks include pumping, filling, storage and treatments (if applicable). Manufacturing also includes the temporary storage of bottled water until it reaches the transportation phase.

The distribution cycle of bottled water concludes the life sequence of this product. Delivery consists of two phases: transport and consumer. The transport cycle comprises the transference from the factory to consumers and storage of the bottled water. This applies to suppliers and shelf storage. The distribution cycle ends when shoppers buy the product, consume it and dispose of the empty receptacles.

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